Category : Family

48 posts

When we moved from PA to Louisiana in 2005, one of the first things we did was buy a new refrigerator. I loved that it came with an ice maker. One of my favorite things is a large glass of instant decaf iced tea filled with ice. A couple of years ago, the ice maker …
I love doing National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), but I don’t do it every year because usually I’m in the middle of a book and don’t want to stop to start something new. This year, I finished the second run through of Pigsty Princess the end of September and decided to let it sit long …
A few years ago, there was a TV show called “Birds of Prey” about Batman and Catwoman’s daughter and Batgirl in New Gotham after a war between Batman and Joker. Steve and I really liked it even though it only lasted one season. Noah loves Batman so we figured it would be fun to watch …
We got back from Ohio last night. It was a nice trip to see my brother and his wife. It was also nice to sleep in my own bed. However, I woke up several times with my mouth very dry. I told Steve this morning that we need a humidifier and he said he thinks, …
Happy Christmas Eve, my darlings! This morning I am trying to get a handle on all my cross stitch supplies so my dining room can be used this evening. Cookies will be baked today. Presents will be wrapped. We will go to the 4 pm Vigil Mass then all the Brandts in a 2 mile …
A couple of nights ago, while my husband and daughter were at choir practice, Noah and I decided to look for a movie on Netflix. As I was scrolling through new releases on the instant queue, I found The Promise) This, if you don’t know, if a movie that apparently, from the way the credits …
Today my darling little girl started her last semester in college. In about months, she will have her BA in English Lit, and God willing, will have a job working in publishing. I’m so proud of her.
I have known about the Sidetracked Home Executives since about 1993 or 94, when my husband was in graduate school and my daughter was very young. I heard them on Focus on the Family and they spoke to me. Anyway, I have been “in the box” off and on for years. I spent a lot …
Here is my modern take on the annual Christmas letter. This will end up on Facebook where I “live” and most of my friends and family are there, or at least their kids are so it is my hope that everyone who needs to will see this. What can I say about 2011? It was …
This morning, after breakfast, my husband told Noah to put his breakfast dishes in the dishwasher. Noah, in typically dramatic fashion, said, “I’m just your slave.” Steve said, “You’re my slave? Because you have to put your dishes in the dishwasher? You need to understand slavery and what it really was.” Noah is a history …