I love doing National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), but I don’t do it every year because usually I’m in the middle of a book and don’t want to stop to start something new. This year, I finished the second run through of Pigsty Princess the end of September and decided to let it sit long enough to do NaNo so I could attack fresh afterward.
Well, for us Catholics 1 November is a Holy Day of Obligation, which in our family, we treat like Sundays – they are days of rest and we don’t do any unnecessary work, which we define as something we do to make money, so writing counts. I’ve gotten used to seeing everyone else rack up word counts on the first day of NaNo while I sit not writing, going to Mass and relaxing. I always know that I’ll catch up on the rest of the days.
This year, 2 November, a Saturday, was the Louisiana Book Festival on the grounds of the State Capitol and this is the first time that HeartLA decided to participate. I sat in the sun and wind all day with my good friends (Jo, Bonnie, Shirley, Anne Clayre, and Lynn). I sold four copies of Sword & Illusion and had a blast. (Got sunburned, too, drat.)
However, by the time we finished up and got home, to my in-laws’ house, I was pooped, and couldn’t write a word. My son had spent the day at the Cuboree with his grandfather (his daddy is in Boston on a business trip.) so he was tired, too, so at 8:30 we came home and went right to bed.
Here’s a cute picture of him showing his bull’s eye with the BB gun!
Today is 3 November and it’s a Sunday! So, I’m 3 days into NaNo and haven’t written a word! I guess I’ll make myself work hard over the next few days to catch up.
How are you doing with NaNo this year??
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