Tag : life is funny sometimes

11 posts

I’m very active on Facebook. In fact, I have my personal page, my author page, and a page for a small critique group I’m in. I also have lots of “friends” over there. Not so many that Facebook is asking me to cut back, but enough. My daughter insists that no one can know as …
About 22 1/2 years ago, as I lay in a hospital bed about to give birth to my daughter nine weeks early, I had a dream. Jesus and I were walking through what appeared to be a construction site. People all around us carried huge blocks of stone, too big for any person to actually …
Going over Noah’s backpack, I see he got marked down in conduct for saying, “What the heck” in class. I asked him why he said it, and he said: “Trinity was looming over me and I said, ‘What the heck?'” “She was looming??” He got mad at me and said, “You don’t get it.” “No, …
This morning, after breakfast, my husband told Noah to put his breakfast dishes in the dishwasher. Noah, in typically dramatic fashion, said, “I’m just your slave.” Steve said, “You’re my slave? Because you have to put your dishes in the dishwasher? You need to understand slavery and what it really was.” Noah is a history …
Besides their good looks. Steve is on a business trip so Noah’s been sleeping in our bed. This morning I woke him up for school. Noah: I’m Mommy’s little skunk. Me: Because you stink? Noah: Oh. I’m Mommy’s little hedgehog because I snuggle with her at night. Me. More like you kick me in the …
I picked up my son from soccer camp today. He’s been going there every day and will be there every morning until the end of the week. This is his third year and from all accounts, he loves it. Anyway, it’s been super hot here in Louisiana, so by the time I pick him up …
This morning, I went into the kitchen to make my usual morning smoothie and Noah was watching some TV, as school is out for summer and his friends hadn’t started ringing the doorbell and banging on the front door. Me: Did you finish your breakfast? Noah: Yes. Can I have some milk? Me: Sure. Bring …
I took Noah to Chick-fil-a after he got out of school at noon for the next to last day on Tuesday. I hadn’t packed him a lunch as I figured he’d come home and I’d take him out. In the car, he told me that they’d had eggs and bacon at school. Don’t really get …
My father-in-law in very involved in the Marine Corp League. He was commandant of the detachment in New Jersey at the time that we moved from the Philadelphia area to Baton Rouge. I remember this because he drove down here with me and we jokingly called my van “Bulldog One” when we’d call home. His …
I went to see a podiatrist last week because I’ve been having a lot of pain in my left heel. I had three x-rays done before the visit. As I sat in the exam chair, he pulled up the X-rays on the computer screen and started showing me why my foot’s been bothering me. He …