Category : Sword of Justice Saga

12 posts

My husband and I just got a nice email from a children’s book author we know, Buddy Estes, about Sword & Illusion I just finished reading Sword and Illusion and I wanted you to know how much I enjoyed it. Very well written and a lot of unexpected events. The ending did not turn out …
I love doing National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), but I don’t do it every year because usually I’m in the middle of a book and don’t want to stop to start something new. This year, I finished the second run through of Pigsty Princess the end of September and decided to let it sit long …
From Sword & Illusion: Varian hated days like this. He had only arrived back on Tellan late last night, and before he’ʹd even had a chance to have some breakfast, he was assaulted with numerous complaints from various parts of his kingdom. He sat at his desk in his office. The sun shone through the …
I’ve been trying to follow my plan of writing at least 1,500 words per day. Now, I’m not doing perfectly but I keep trying. All of this is rough, but here is another excerpt from what I’m working on. Arrowbreaker sat at Germian’s bed side, but today she smiled. Greenblade brought them a tray covered …
Today in my email, I got a note from suggesting that I might like to read Sword & Illusion! Thanks, Amazon. I do think I would like that book!
Both of these are five stars! From Rebecca J. Briggs: I am not normally a reader of fantasy books, but I thoroughly enjoyed this one! It was full of excitement, drama, spirituality, love, and so much more! It was very well written, and kept me wanting to know what was going to happen to the …
I’m working on the sequel to Sword and Illusion, Sword & Incantation. I don’t want to give much away about the first book because it’s been out for just a few months and I don’t want to spoil anything. The second book centers around Greenblade, Prince Varian’s daughter he didn’t know he had, and her …
Another 5 Star review on Amazon: Sword and Illusion is a must-read for fantasy book lovers. And even for those readers who don’t normally read them. This book was fantastic! I loved the characters, including the dragons, which I could easily picture from the detailed decriptions. I also liked that the main characters weren’t teenagers …
Opening quote: “So… I loved this book. Of course, I’m a sucker for epic fantasy to begin with, but I think that there are a lot of elements to this novel that make it a breath of fresh air for the usual fantasy reader.” The rest of the review (5 Cupcakes) can be found here: …
My first review on Amazon and it’s FIVE STAR! “In a fantastic world peopled with characters reminiscent of Tolkien, Hebert, and even at times World of Warcraft, both leads, Moonrazer, the Exalted Warrior and King Varian, ruler of Tellan, head lands that are on the brink of destruction.” Go here: Sword & Illusion Today is …