Category : romance

15 posts

Welcome to the second Getting to Know You Tuesday! Today my guest is Mary Cope. Mary Cope is a freelance writer of romance. Her book, Beautiful One, is the first in a planned trilogy. She enjoys spending time with her family, baking gourmet cookies, listening to music and taking long walks with her yellow Labrador, …
In 2004, my first book came out. Fabric of Faith was the book of my heart. I really believe God gave me that book, because for the first and only time in my life, I knew the whole story when I got, beginning, middle and end. I don’t do much as far as promoting Fabric …
As a romance/fantasy author and a member of my local RWA chapter, I tend to end up with a lot of bookmarks. Our chapter has an annual Readers’ Luncheon, and authors from all over send piles and boxes of bookmarks. I’m not exaggerating when I say that for over a year, we had a cubic …
I love doing National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), but I don’t do it every year because usually I’m in the middle of a book and don’t want to stop to start something new. This year, I finished the second run through of Pigsty Princess the end of September and decided to let it sit long …
I’m guessing Meet me on Monday isn’t running anymore as the blog that sponsored it seems to be “stuck” at a couple of weeks ago, so I’ll do this one. Just a bit of Miscellany to talk about. 1. This week seemed to have a Fifty Shades of Grey theme. It is NOT a book …
I’m doing NaNoWriMo this year. I’ve done it before, but this year I’m very excited because I took the time to plot out a book beforehand, mostly. I had about 3/4 of it plotted before I started writing on November 2. (November first is a Holy Day of obligation for the Catholic Church and I …
I have been thrilled to see how the people at my husband’s work respect him and come to him for advice and trust him with responsibility. I was there when he was in graduate school and for years he had no self-esteem and thought he’d never get anywhere in his chosen career. It’s been a …
This weekend was one I look forward to every year, even if part of the time it’s with trepidation. The Heart of Louisiana Chapter of Romance Writers of America held their fourth annual Readers’ Luncheon, Fall in Love with Romance on Saturday, 6 Nov. S Sherrilyn Kenyon was our main speaker. She gave a wonderful, …
I read a fabulous post by SciFiChick today – A Small Rant about Fantasy Reviews. Her point is that when fantasy novels are reviews they are almost invariably compared to someone else’s book and generally unfavorably. She asks if this happens in other genres. I’ve never seen anything like this with romance novels. Has anyone …
I don’t mean something like Hans and Franz on SNL wanting to Pump (::clap::) you up! This is a little more cerebral. Rhonda, my friend and critique partner, mentioned that she had signed up for Sweating with Sven, and since this was in a writing context, I assumed it wasn’t some program at a nearby …