Category : Christianity

18 posts

Here is my modern take on the annual Christmas letter. This will end up on Facebook where I “live” and most of my friends and family are there, or at least their kids are so it is my hope that everyone who needs to will see this. What can I say about 2011? It was …
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I think God is really trying to get my attention, possibly because I haven’t been paying attention before! Well, I feel like this is happening a lot lately and I’ve started looking around to see what He’s trying to get me to change. Because, ultimately, He wouldn’t be …
How are you all doing? I’m trying, AGAIN, to get back on the wagon in my attempt to get my life in order. In about six weeks, I’ll have a milestone birthday. I’m not completely ready to announce the number. This is the first time in my life that’s the been the case. I’ve always …
Actually, there were several all connected. It’s almost like God thinks I need to be shaken over and over again until I get the message! Yesterday the priest at Mass was from Food for the Poor. He told stories that broke my heart. Little kids who only have dirt to eat, families where they have …
Yes, I did mean to blog every day but after two days there wasn’t much to say beyond, here it is, Day three, same ole same ole. We had some personal stuff go on in the family. The Girl came home from college for the weekend. It’s not actually a SUPER big deal as she’s …
  “When we are set free from the bondage of pleasing others, when we are free from currying others approval- then no one will be able to make us miserable or dissatisfied. And then, if we know we have pleased God, contentment will be our consolation. ~Kay Arthur-   I think one of the big …
Courting Emma is the third book in Ms. MacLaren’s Little Hickman Creek Series. I didn’t read the other two, but if they are anything like this one, I certainly want to. The back cover blurb says: Twenty-eight-year-old Emma Browning has experienced a good deal of life at her young age. Proprietor of Emma’s Boardinghouse, she …
Last Easter, I couldn’t get to all the services for the Triduum because the Boy had his tonsils out on Maundy Thursday, so I missed that service. The Girl says Beloved stayed home that night, too, but I don’t remember that. She and I went to Good Friday and then she and Beloved went to …
Do I? As part of my Lenten disciplines, I am praying a rosary every day, but recently I realized that I’m saying the words (I do it while waiting in the carpool line to pick up the Boy from school) but am I really praying? Really talking to my Lord? The Girl is a wonderful …
Life is so busy this time of year. Even when we try to simplify and pare down what we give, how we decorate, all that, it still seems that the Christmas and Advent season surprise us and we’re not ready. At least that’s how I feel. I know that I should think about doing some …