Tag : Noah

14 posts

So, here we are. First day of school. Noah is in 8th grade now. Not entirely sure how that happened. Not just the growing up fast part but the holy cookies, Batman, he passed 7th grade!!! Anyway, because the beginning of the school year feels like the beginning of a NEW year, I’m kinda revamping …
Noah and I were at the grocery store after school today and since we only got a couple of things, we headed toward the express lane. As i approached it, I saw a woman with a basket (those hand carried ones) full of things in one hand. Her other hand was holding onto a little …
As a romance/fantasy author and a member of my local RWA chapter, I tend to end up with a lot of bookmarks. Our chapter has an annual Readers’ Luncheon, and authors from all over send piles and boxes of bookmarks. I’m not exaggerating when I say that for over a year, we had a cubic …
Dear friends, I find myself worried today. I know that God is in charge and prayer is better than worry, and trust me, I have prayed about this, but I won’t stop worrying until it’s over. Let me start at the very beginning. This is my baby boy: Now, of course, that was when he …
I love doing National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), but I don’t do it every year because usually I’m in the middle of a book and don’t want to stop to start something new. This year, I finished the second run through of Pigsty Princess the end of September and decided to let it sit long …
A couple of nights ago, while my husband and daughter were at choir practice, Noah and I decided to look for a movie on Netflix. As I was scrolling through new releases on the instant queue, I found The Promise) This, if you don’t know, if a movie that apparently, from the way the credits …
—Well, Sword & Illusion was supposed to be released yesterday, but we were having some cover issues. Mainly, we didn’t get the cover art form until just last week, and Steve had some problems with the cover they originally sent. I kinda did, too, but I’m not as visual as he is, so I wasn’t …
I am so sorry i haven’t posted anything this this week. Life, and illness, got in my way. — We had a graduation party for my daughter on Saturday. My sister-in-law made this awesome cake for it. — Sunday we just hung out and I got to see a friend at Mass who is soon …
About 22 1/2 years ago, as I lay in a hospital bed about to give birth to my daughter nine weeks early, I had a dream. Jesus and I were walking through what appeared to be a construction site. People all around us carried huge blocks of stone, too big for any person to actually …
Going over Noah’s backpack, I see he got marked down in conduct for saying, “What the heck” in class. I asked him why he said it, and he said: “Trinity was looming over me and I said, ‘What the heck?'” “She was looming??” He got mad at me and said, “You don’t get it.” “No, …