Happy Christmas Eve, my darlings! This morning I am trying to get a handle on all my cross stitch supplies so my dining room can be used this evening. Cookies will be baked today. Presents will be wrapped. We will go to the 4 pm Vigil Mass then all the Brandts in a 2 mile radius of this house will come here for dinner.
Our tradition is to open one gift tonight, but I may petition to just have the Kinder open one or maybe just Noah. Santa’s helper fell down on the job this year and didn’t get out to buy the traditional Socks and Underwear gift, which is usually what the smart people open tonight. My husband will read the prophecy of Jesus’s coming from Isaiah before the gifts.
I have made a “Night Before Christmas” box filled with goodies for after dinner. My father-in-law will bring one of his Christmas movies over and we’ll watch that after the gift opening.
Tomorrow we’ll head to the grandparents’ house. Actually, the kids may spend the night there. Then Steve will read the Nativity Story from Luke, and we’ll open gifts. At some point, my father-in-law will bring out the Julekake, a Norwegian Christmas bread, which is YUMMY!
Anyway, I have to get back to my tasks, but I wanted to wish you all Merry Christmas! I’d love to hear about your traditions.
Hope your days are filled with peace and joy!
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