Category : Family

48 posts

I guess teenagers think their parents are stupid. Noah told me that “every kid” in his class at school makes fun of him for not having a phone. EVERY ONE OF THEM, MOM!! Me: Names. I want names. Noah: All of them. Me: Then it shouldn’t be hard to come up with a name. Noah: …
8:30 am Well, the boys have left for their campout. Getting out the door was not without stress. Apparently, the Chromebook we gave Noah for schoolwork (and Steve has most of the Internet blocked) is a box-shaped Pied Piper. Noah couldn’t do even the simplest task (like put your sleeping bag in the car) without …
Sorry I haven’t updated in a while. As you may have heard, Baton Rouge and surrounding areas have suffered the worst natural disaster since Superstorm Sandy. My family is all safe, but my husband’s whole family have moved in as their house was under 28 inches of water. So there are a total of six …
So, here we are. First day of school. Noah is in 8th grade now. Not entirely sure how that happened. Not just the growing up fast part but the holy cookies, Batman, he passed 7th grade!!! Anyway, because the beginning of the school year feels like the beginning of a NEW year, I’m kinda revamping …
Our son has ADHD and therefore, when he is not on his medication, he has some problems focusing on one task at a time. I may have that, too. Hmmm… Anyway, as he lives in a house of readers/writers/editor, we’ve been doing everything we can to encourage him to read. He struggles with Accelerated Reading …
About five years ago, I went through a bout with thyroid cancer. No biggie, really. I didn’t even know that I had it until my thyroid was removed, but after that, I had to go through Radioactive Iodine treatment which, at the time, meant four weeks off my thyroid meds and two weeks of a …
Noah and I were at the grocery store after school today and since we only got a couple of things, we headed toward the express lane. As i approached it, I saw a woman with a basket (those hand carried ones) full of things in one hand. Her other hand was holding onto a little …
Actually the news is from Friday. My baby brother finally got a kidney transplant!!!! Whoo Hoo!!! This is me and Rob. He’s been on dialysis for more than five years, and from experience, I know that dialysis is actually hell. It’s hard on patients and makes you tired, miserable, and yes, I know it’s life …
As a romance/fantasy author and a member of my local RWA chapter, I tend to end up with a lot of bookmarks. Our chapter has an annual Readers’ Luncheon, and authors from all over send piles and boxes of bookmarks. I’m not exaggerating when I say that for over a year, we had a cubic …
We always put off celebrating Valentine’s Day because my husband’s parents’ anniversary is 14 Feb. Now that they live near us, we spend that day with them. This year, because my mother-in-law had an accident with her motorized scooter where her face met the mall parking lot HARD, she is bruised all over her face, …