Lots and lots of stuff happening over here. WRITING UPDATE Finally, I’ve worked through Chapter Eight of Sword & Illusion. It’s not going to be done by my birthday as I’d hoped. Just too many things need tweeking and some other stuff has come up (see below) that is taking my time away from editing. …
Category : Family
48 posts
How are you all doing? I’m trying, AGAIN, to get back on the wagon in my attempt to get my life in order. In about six weeks, I’ll have a milestone birthday. I’m not completely ready to announce the number. This is the first time in my life that’s the been the case. I’ve always …
Yes, I did mean to blog every day but after two days there wasn’t much to say beyond, here it is, Day three, same ole same ole. We had some personal stuff go on in the family. The Girl came home from college for the weekend. It’s not actually a SUPER big deal as she’s …
Well, I saw the endocrinologist yesterday, and yes, we’re going to do the radioactive iodine treatment in four weeks. Starting today, I stop taking the thyroid hormone which means eventually I’m going to feel terrible, but we need to make sure the thyroid cells that are left are as receptive to the iodine as they …
My baby girl in settled into her dorm room at LSU. It’s very quiet in my house now, as I anticipate days of hours all to myself. While this is how I spent last year, too, she came home from school every day and slept here almost every night (except the occasional sleepover!) Beloved and …
I didn’t realize I hadn’t posted in almost a month. Lots of stuff has been going on. The Girl graduates high school next Monday, so we’re kind of in mild stress mode. My mom arrives tomorrow afternoon with Beloved’s parents and sister coming in on Sunday. Of course, that’s the same day as baccalaureate, so …
This actually happened several days ago and I intended to blog about it, but with so much else going on in our lives, it’s hard to sit down and tell you about the funny stuff that happens around here. First, the roaches. No, we don’t live in a garbage dump, but the lovely, genteel South, …
Last Easter, I couldn’t get to all the services for the Triduum because the Boy had his tonsils out on Maundy Thursday, so I missed that service. The Girl says Beloved stayed home that night, too, but I don’t remember that. She and I went to Good Friday and then she and Beloved went to …