How are you all doing?
I’m trying, AGAIN, to get back on the wagon in my attempt to get my life in order. In about six weeks, I’ll have a milestone birthday. I’m not completely ready to announce the number.
This is the first time in my life that’s the been the case. I’ve always been okay with my age and not at all self-conscious about it, but this one is a biggie and it’s going to be hard to get used to.
Anyway, what’s new since the last time I wrote?
Well, the Girl goes back to college this morning, early, as her first class is at 9:30 and she hasn’t moved into the dorm yet! Beloved went to bed early as he ran 8 miles yesterday, lifted weights and swam in the pool AND went to Mass! He was exhausted. He’s up now, working on his book and waiting for the kids to get moving.
The Boy’s been showing progress from his language therapy. I’ve noticed that he seems to be talking more about things without resorting to nonsense. And he’s been describing things better.
I’m still plugging away on Sword & Illusion. I’m hoping to get it polished completely by my birthday, but it’s not looking too good. I’ve found some small problems in chapters I thought were finished, and I’m having to move some scenes around to make up for some I’m taking out.
Spiritually, I’m trying to lose my tendency to (1) run myself down and see myself as a horrible person and (2) worry about things or be fearful. I know God loves me just the way I am, but it’s something I need to internalize.
I’m getting back into my scrapbooking and did several layouts this weekend. You can see them all here.
One of my goals is to update this thing more often.
I’m going to leave you with my new “overheard at Mass” section:
Yesterday as the Boy and I were kneeling after coming back from Communion, he said, “I see lots of yellow people and not so many chocolate.” (This is something he says a lot to get a reaction, I think.)
I told him that God doesn’t see us as colors. He sees us just as people.
He said, with an excited expression on his face, “You mean, He sees us naked?”
Have a great day, knowing God loves you!
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