Author : nancy
479 posts
Why would I think that, you ask. After all, I am the perennial hostess of the Heart of Louisiana‘s annual Readers’ Luncheon. Well, recently, two things happened that make me question this. About a month and a half ago, I had an appointment with my pain doctor to get my meds refilled. I do this …
I’m excited to introduce you to this book for a couple of reasons. First, Wendy is a friend and a member of our local RWA chapter. Second, I was one of the editors on this book. I honestly think it’s one of the most original, exciting YA books out there. Do yourself and any young …
Dear friends, I find myself worried today. I know that God is in charge and prayer is better than worry, and trust me, I have prayed about this, but I won’t stop worrying until it’s over. Let me start at the very beginning. This is my baby boy: Now, of course, that was when he …
I love doing National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), but I don’t do it every year because usually I’m in the middle of a book and don’t want to stop to start something new. This year, I finished the second run through of Pigsty Princess the end of September and decided to let it sit long …
Prologue to the story: When we were in China, Katja and I took our kids (the ones that were in China!) to a shopping center with the intention of looking at silk. Now, I never buy silk here in the States so finding out they originally wanted something like $100/meter nearly knocked me over. In …
I have always love vintage clothing, especially the WWII era. If you have seen any of my pictures from recent Readers’ Luncheons, which I post on Facebook, you know that I’m all about the clothes. Well, a while back I bought a pattern for a 40s era Swing Dress from Sense & Sensibility patterns. I’m …
After Dina Ranger loses telepathic contact with her brother, she breaks into his apartment and stumbles onto a special government unit responsible for monitoring the psychic population. She’s offered a job where she can use her psionic gifts to help people. Stranded on earth over a hundred years ago, Liam of Shria is searching for …
Today I did a clever thing. I got out of bed and as I was going to the bathroom, the little toe on my right foot got caught on the corner of the bed frame and I stumbled (well, nearly flew) into the bookcase at the end of the bed and fell against the dresser. …