58 posts

I have known about the Sidetracked Home Executives since about 1993 or 94, when my husband was in graduate school and my daughter was very young. I heard them on Focus on the Family and they spoke to me. Anyway, I have been “in the box” off and on for years. I spent a lot …
Here is my modern take on the annual Christmas letter. This will end up on Facebook where I “live” and most of my friends and family are there, or at least their kids are so it is my hope that everyone who needs to will see this. What can I say about 2011? It was …
This morning, after breakfast, my husband told Noah to put his breakfast dishes in the dishwasher. Noah, in typically dramatic fashion, said, “I’m just your slave.” Steve said, “You’re my slave? Because you have to put your dishes in the dishwasher? You need to understand slavery and what it really was.” Noah is a history …
…when it’s not National Novel Writing Month, which I won, by the way! I actually got to over 50,000 words on Tuesday (thank you, Rowdy Girls), and felt miserable yesterday with what I think is a sinus thing as I had a headache for three days. Anyway, I had a brief doctor’s appointment this morning …
I’m doing NaNoWriMo this year. I’ve done it before, but this year I’m very excited because I took the time to plot out a book beforehand, mostly. I had about 3/4 of it plotted before I started writing on November 2. (November first is a Holy Day of obligation for the Catholic Church and I …
Recently, I had the good fortune to reconnect with two of my cousins on my father’s side through a group on Facebook for people with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). This is the disease that is on my father’s side of the family and which is the reason I had my transplant ten years ago. I …
was down .8 this week, but while that’s good, considering I didn’t track anything last week, that’s not what’s on my mind right now. My husband asked me an insightful question. He knows I’m not where I want to be and this weekend I was very down on myself. This was the year I was …
In this post, I talked about a pair of earrings I saw in a catalog that cost about $45 and how I thought I could make something similar for a lot cheaper. Today I got the supplies and made the earrings. Here are some pictures! I wanted to put two blue and one green bead …
So, yesterday, we went over to the neighbors’ house to give their daughter a present for her new baby. I made this top years ago and I found it in a pile of tops I had. The backing came from my mother’s stash and I bought binding at the fabric store.
Hi, all! I hope you’re having a great weekend, even though it’s still kind of early on Saturday morning. Last night, after we put our son to bed, I settled my computer on my lap in bed and checked my email. I got a note from Lin, an editor from Crescent Moon Press, an epublisher …