Category : Writing
151 posts
Welcome to the second Getting to Know You Tuesday! Today my guest is Mary Cope. Mary Cope is a freelance writer of romance. Her book, Beautiful One, is the first in a planned trilogy. She enjoys spending time with her family, baking gourmet cookies, listening to music and taking long walks with her yellow Labrador, …
Welcome to the first episode of “Getting to Know You!” Today my guest is Krysten Lindsay Hager. Krysten Lindsay Hager is an author and book addict who has never met a bookstore she didn’t like. She’s worked as a journalist and also writes middle grade, YA, humor essays, and adult fiction. Her debut novel, TRUE …
I want to thank HiDee ( for inviting me to join the blog tour. , What am I working on? I suffer from TMIS (Too Many Ideas Syndrome), so there are about four books bumping around in my skull, but I am actively polishing Pigsty Princess, an epic fantasy about a princess who has no …
In 2004, my first book came out. Fabric of Faith was the book of my heart. I really believe God gave me that book, because for the first and only time in my life, I knew the whole story when I got, beginning, middle and end. I don’t do much as far as promoting Fabric …
Jo, Wendy, Carla, and I spent last week submerged in the world of books. We attended the 2014 RT Booklovers’ Convention in New Orleans. I don’t know if their experience was like mine, although I suspect it was, but I’m going to give you a sample of what I learned. 1. Readers love books, and …
Fabric of Faith is a book I wrote a very long time ago (it was published in 2004) while living in Germany. I have a Google Alert set up for “Nancy S. Brandt,” and this is what I discovered today. This review was written on 27 March 2014, and clearly the writer is not a …
As a romance/fantasy author and a member of my local RWA chapter, I tend to end up with a lot of bookmarks. Our chapter has an annual Readers’ Luncheon, and authors from all over send piles and boxes of bookmarks. I’m not exaggerating when I say that for over a year, we had a cubic …
We always put off celebrating Valentine’s Day because my husband’s parents’ anniversary is 14 Feb. Now that they live near us, we spend that day with them. This year, because my mother-in-law had an accident with her motorized scooter where her face met the mall parking lot HARD, she is bruised all over her face, …
I love doing National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), but I don’t do it every year because usually I’m in the middle of a book and don’t want to stop to start something new. This year, I finished the second run through of Pigsty Princess the end of September and decided to let it sit long …