Author : nancy

479 posts

Recently, we got rid of cable and are doing all of our TV watching from DVDs, mostly from Netflix. This also gives me a chance to indulge in my love of the Lord of the Rings movies in all their glorious LENGTH, at my leisure. The boy loves these movies, too, and I’m happy to …
2107 67 23,737 / 55,000 (43.2%)
2011 52
18,858 / 55,000 (34.3%) Totally not where I’d like to be, but I’m having so trouble with this book. This was the book that was going so well in the beginning, but I’ve come to the “sagging middle” or as I call it, the quicksand part of the book. My characters aren’t doing anything interesting …
  15,711 / 55,000 (28.6%) On Monday I wrote 2,097 words. Yesterday, 178. Yes, I think I need to figure a way to be more consistent!
Actually, there were several all connected. It’s almost like God thinks I need to be shaken over and over again until I get the message! Yesterday the priest at Mass was from Food for the Poor. He told stories that broke my heart. Little kids who only have dirt to eat, families where they have …
I don’t mean something like Hans and Franz on SNL wanting to Pump (::clap::) you up! This is a little more cerebral. Rhonda, my friend and critique partner, mentioned that she had signed up for Sweating with Sven, and since this was in a writing context, I assumed it wasn’t some program at a nearby …
At Mass yesterday. Usually, we take “art supplies” – a box of crayons and a sketch pad – with us to keep the Boy occupied during what, for him, are the more boring parts. Plus, since the Girl and Beloved sing in the contemporary choir, and they sing at the 6 pm Mass every Sunday …
I don’t get political here, but I’m frightened for this country right now. I got this in an email from a good friend and thought this blog, even with it’s small readership might be the best way to reach those I know who pray. —————————————— PLEASE LET’S GET A PRAYER CHAIN GOING FOR OUR COUNTRY …
Good morning, cyber world. I know I haven’t spent as much time with this blog as I should, and I will start again and try to not neglect you again. Can’t promise anything. After I’m only human. A lot has been going on in my part of the world. In fact, however, my part of …