62 posts

I have another great book to share with you, Searching for Spice by Megan DiMaria. From the back cover: Linda Revere longs to have a sizzling affair . . . with her husband – a practical, no-nonsense community college science teacher. Unfortunately, life isn’t scripted, and nothing goes according to plan. From having a demanding …
Okay, maybe not clamor as such, but recently, I’ve begun to wonder if God is trying to tell me something. I know God is always trying to tell me something! If there is anyone on this earth that needs to be told “something” by our Creator, it’s certainly me! I’m probably the slowest person to …
  I love guinea pigs. We’ve had piggies since the Girl was about five years old. We now have two, a male – Muffin and a female – Pepper. We really need to get him fixed so they can share the same cage again, and no that’s not them in the above picture. Yesterday I …
Courting Emma is the third book in Ms. MacLaren’s Little Hickman Creek Series. I didn’t read the other two, but if they are anything like this one, I certainly want to. The back cover blurb says: Twenty-eight-year-old Emma Browning has experienced a good deal of life at her young age. Proprietor of Emma’s Boardinghouse, she …
Now I’m a huge LOST fan, as is the whole family. I’m also a writer and in November 2005 and 2006 I did National Novel Writing Month. The goal of this insane exercise is to write 50,000 words in a month. The first year I did this, I discovered that in the process of trying …
Last Easter, I couldn’t get to all the services for the Triduum because the Boy had his tonsils out on Maundy Thursday, so I missed that service. The Girl says Beloved stayed home that night, too, but I don’t remember that. She and I went to Good Friday and then she and Beloved went to …
I was a little stressed this morning. The Girl will be starting college next year and LSU has a thing called the Spring Invitational that outstanding high school seniors are invited to. She got the postcard inviting her a few weeks ago but said she wasn’t sure she wanted to go. However, the teachers started …
From author Linda Windsor. My heartfelt APOLOGIES regarding Wedding Bell Blues. I had two regrettable errors in this  publication that, when called to my attention, I didn’t at first believe it.     I didn’t remember my hero having a Rhett Butler moment when he said “D_mn, I still love you, Alex.”     And while I’d written unsaved character Sue Ann exclaiming, …
I’m getting back on track with Sword & Illusion. I REALLY want this book to go out this summer. I’m ready to work on Stretched to the Limit and am even thinking about the third in the Known Worlds Saga (as I’m calling the fantasy novels. Beloved gave me a great idea last night, so …
Well, I didn’t really wake up in a better mood. Part of it has to do with not sleeping well, and being awoken about three times in the night. Once because the Boy got scared of the storm we had and came running into our room crying, once because he and Beloved were sniffling and …