62 posts

At Mass yesterday. Usually, we take “art supplies” – a box of crayons and a sketch pad – with us to keep the Boy occupied during what, for him, are the more boring parts. Plus, since the Girl and Beloved sing in the contemporary choir, and they sing at the 6 pm Mass every Sunday …
I don’t get political here, but I’m frightened for this country right now. I got this in an email from a good friend and thought this blog, even with it’s small readership might be the best way to reach those I know who pray. —————————————— PLEASE LET’S GET A PRAYER CHAIN GOING FOR OUR COUNTRY …
Good morning, cyber world. I know I haven’t spent as much time with this blog as I should, and I will start again and try to not neglect you again. Can’t promise anything. After I’m only human. A lot has been going on in my part of the world. In fact, however, my part of …
  Once homeless and living in his car, award-winning novelist Jeff Rivera writes passionate stories of those often forgotten and neglected by society. He believes even in the eyes of a gang member, even beneath the soiled clothes of a bag lady or behind the tears of a lonely kid in the back of the …
I wasn’t a big fan of Twilight, but my daughter went on and on about it, so eventually she begged me to read it. No, I didn’t fall in love with Edward. Frankly, I thought he was a bit “stalkerish” and played mind games with Bella (It’s too dangerous for you to be around me, …
10/8/08 My husband and I are converts to Catholicism and if you’ve read this blog much, you probably already know that we take all the teachings very seriously. We’ve run into some issues with family members over the contraaception issue, our belief in the Real Presence, the honor we give to Mary and more minor …
Yes, I did mean to blog every day but after two days there wasn’t much to say beyond, here it is, Day three, same ole same ole. We had some personal stuff go on in the family. The Girl came home from college for the weekend. It’s not actually a SUPER big deal as she’s …
Interestingly enough I felt better this morning when I got up. Spent a lot of last night trying to come up with a title for an inspirational romantic suspense about an ex-black ops guy who wants to put his past behind him and settle down in a small town but can’t because someone blames him …
Well, I saw the endocrinologist yesterday, and yes, we’re going to do the radioactive iodine treatment in four weeks. Starting today, I stop taking the thyroid hormone which means eventually I’m going to feel terrible, but we need to make sure the thyroid cells that are left are as receptive to the iodine as they …
Yesterday I saw the surgeon who took my thyroid out. I saw him the day after the surgery and he told me that everything looked good; there had been no sign of cancer. This was a non-issue to me. I’d had nodules on my thyroid for about 15 years so the idea of cancer seemed …