Tag : Sword of Justice Saga

6 posts

My husband and I just got a nice email from a children’s book author we know, Buddy Estes, about Sword & Illusion I just finished reading Sword and Illusion and I wanted you to know how much I enjoyed it. Very well written and a lot of unexpected events. The ending did not turn out …
I love doing National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), but I don’t do it every year because usually I’m in the middle of a book and don’t want to stop to start something new. This year, I finished the second run through of Pigsty Princess the end of September and decided to let it sit long …
Here is another excerpt from Sword & Illusion, available at all your favorite on-line bookstores: When the monk saw him, a look of recognition and relief appeared on his face. ʺDuke Emory, I’ʹm glad you haven’ʹt left yet.” The small man’ʹs eyes grew soft, and he handed the scroll and a book to Varian. As …
From Sword & Illusion: Varian hated days like this. He had only arrived back on Tellan late last night, and before he’ʹd even had a chance to have some breakfast, he was assaulted with numerous complaints from various parts of his kingdom. He sat at his desk in his office. The sun shone through the …
I’ve been trying to follow my plan of writing at least 1,500 words per day. Now, I’m not doing perfectly but I keep trying. All of this is rough, but here is another excerpt from what I’m working on. Arrowbreaker sat at Germian’s bed side, but today she smiled. Greenblade brought them a tray covered …
I’m working on the sequel to Sword and Illusion, Sword & Incantation. I don’t want to give much away about the first book because it’s been out for just a few months and I don’t want to spoil anything. The second book centers around Greenblade, Prince Varian’s daughter he didn’t know he had, and her …