Or just the oldest? Today, the nearest library branch hosted Potterstock – a Wizard Rock concert featuring three Harry Potter inspired bands, the Moaning Myrtles, the Whomping Willows, and Justin Finch-Fletchley. Now, the sad thing is that I used to have Wizard Rock music on my mp3 player, and, seriously, I’m in my…okay, I’m over …
I read a fabulous post by SciFiChick today – A Small Rant about Fantasy Reviews. Her point is that when fantasy novels are reviews they are almost invariably compared to someone else’s book and generally unfavorably. She asks if this happens in other genres. I’ve never seen anything like this with romance novels. Has anyone …
Today is the first day of soccer camp for the Boy. For five days, he’ll be learning how to play soccer from 9-12. I’m expecting much fatigue from him today as he thought it would be fun to stay up and play V-smile in his room after we put him to bed. Two days a …
I just read this post by Julie Kenner (http://juliekenner.com/blog/?p=273#comments) and I wanted to share another rude person story. This didn’t happen to me, and wouldn’t because God has seen fit to only bless me with two children. I went to a VBS planning meeting at our church on Friday. I always do the story/drama part …
Well, school’s out and it’s not even June. It still feels weird to this girl from the North. Anyway, I’m trying to keep the Boy entertained, as well as doing some pseudo-homeschooling. Monday was good, but the week kinda went downhill. Yesterday I felt like I didn’t want to do anything. I did have him …
Life has been crazy around here lately. A little over a week ago, my mother-in-law called.They live in New Jersey and this was Friday, last week. The first words out of her mouth were, “Surprise. We’ll be there Sunday.” Now, a little context. I had my brother on the other line. He lives in Ohio …
I’m hosting the All About Me challenge, and you can get this kit when you post a layout about yourself: In June, this kit, called Morning Coffee, will go on sale at all my stores, but right now you can get it for free just by doing the All About Me challenge over at Michelle’s …
I’m heading off with the Boy’s kindergarten class to the zoo today. I hadn’t planned this but yesterday he begged and begged for me to go and I guess it’ll be a good picture taking opportunity and how can I say no to my little guy? So I won’t be home much but I wanted …
I haven’t posted in a while, so I guess I should catch everyone up on what’s going on. The Boy turned 7 on Sunday. Yeah, um, not the best picture of me! The coolest part, besides that he had a lot of fun and got a TON of Hot Wheels, was the cool Hummer Bouncy …
Alexe, a member of the Creative Team for Michelle’s Angels, chose my newest kit, Natasha Camilla, to make some quick pages with. She made some really sweet quick pages and was nice enough to send them to me. Here they are with family pictures put in. The pictures were taken when we went out to …