Author : nancy

479 posts

My friend, Karina Fabian, has a great idea for gift ideas for writers. Check out her blog here. Is your shopping done? I think ours is pretty much done. We’re going to Ohio after Christmas to spend New Years’ with my family, so I think we’re going to hit the after Christmas sales for a …
Life is so busy this time of year. Even when we try to simplify and pare down what we give, how we decorate, all that, it still seems that the Christmas and Advent season surprise us and we’re not ready. At least that’s how I feel. I know that I should think about doing some …
Have any of you seen Legend, with Tom Cruise? I’ve heard of this movie and thought it might be interesting to see it so when it came on TV a while back I DVR’d it. (Love my DVR!! Don’t know how we watched TV without it!) Anyway, I sat down to watch it and honestly …
Check out the Contest page on the side bar there and see what all the fuss is about!
I got a new gizzie for my Firefox browser this weekend, the BlogRovR. I’m still deciding if I like it, but the idea is that as I’m working, this thing will bring up; blogs that mention the webpage I’m viewing, as well as bringing me information about the blogs I’ve added to the list. So, …
I found this story and video on Modestly Yours. It’s nice to see young people talking about abstinence is actually practical in their lives and that there are benefits far beyond not getting pregnant nor getting an STD. As an NFP teacher, I know that abstinence isn’t only a problem for teens. Many couples have …
I know that most of you out there won’t be buying me a gift (but don’t feel that you can’t if the mood hits!) but you might know a writer (published or unpublished) who would love something from this list. I know I would! Now, my dilemma: What do you buy for the person you …
Today it is my extreme pleasure to introduce you to Heather Garside. Heather grew up on a cattle property in Central Queensland. As a child she loved horses, books and the bush and these are still passions of hers. She and her husband now have a cattle and grain farm. She has two young adult …
Well, the holiday season has started. Tomorrow is the last day of school for the kids until the Monday after Thanksgiving. Again, as we did last year, we’ll have guests and have a big Thanksgiving blow-out. In 2004 and 2005, we ate the November holiday meal in restaurants. In 2004, my brother and sister-in-law, Baby …
I got the idea for this post from Rocks in My Dryer, but I’d been thinking about blogging some of the stuff my little one says and this is a great opportunity to do that. My children are eighteen years old and five years old. Our son was adopted when our daughter was twelve years …