I got a new gizzie for my Firefox browser this weekend, the BlogRovR. I’m still deciding if I like it, but the idea is that as I’m working, this thing will bring up; blogs that mention the webpage I’m viewing, as well as bringing me information about the blogs I’ve added to the list. So, in testing this out, I went to a blog I read regularly, SF Signal. Then I clicked on a link in one of his posts, which took me to an interesting blog post about a warehouse being built in England to store “books, journals and magazines that many of us have forgotten about or have never heard of in the first place.”

As a reader and a writer, I feel a little sad about this. I guess I understand the “need” to store information but you know, how does this impact authors who discover that their work is in a warehouse where, according to the article, it will be nearly impossible to find if someone should ever want it.

On the other hand, if these truly are publications no one wants, do we really have to store them somewhere?

What do you think?