Author : nancy

479 posts

Tomorrow we take, that is I take, the Girl to LSU and move her into her dorm room. While at this moment, she’s dying her hair and getting ready to put something called Vampire Red on the ends, I’m thinking about the little girl who was the only grandchild on either side of the family …
The Boy started kindergarten yesterday. Okay, he started Kindergarten, the Sequel, yesterday, and even then it was only for a half hour so the kids could see their classroom and meet their teachers. The Boy has the older teacher who took him (and several other kids who were having behavior problems) under her wing, so …
  Thirteen Things I’m Thankful For (Not in any order other that how I thought of them)  1. Friends – I had lunch yesterday with a friend from my local writers’ group and I realized on my way home that we’re becoming better friends and that makes me happy. All my life, I’ve had trouble …
  “When we are set free from the bondage of pleasing others, when we are free from currying others approval- then no one will be able to make us miserable or dissatisfied. And then, if we know we have pleased God, contentment will be our consolation. ~Kay Arthur-   I think one of the big …
Today is apparently Filch it Friday, something I was unaware of previously. My friend, Domestic Goddess, got this from someone else, and I’m filching it from her. She asked readers to tell her their pet peeves in FIFTEEN WORDS (Fifteen word Friday or something like that). So, here goes. Teenage girls who drive my car …
Okay, possibly it’s because it seems to pile up faster than I can deal with it, but honestly, how does a family of four wear so many clothes and yet have so many in the laundry all the time? Right now I have about five or six bag of clothes in the back of my …
  It’s a holiday weekend here in the U.S., so let’s keep today’s question simple–What are you reading? Anything special? Any particularly juicy summer reading? Right now, I’m reading Knock Off (A Finley Anderson Tanner Mystery) by Rhonda Pollero. Other books in my to be read pile right now are: 1. Convicted of Love by …
Do you like my piggie? I love that she’s reading!!I hope it’s my book. Anyway, you can see me and pick up a copy of either of my books just by checking the personal appearance page. I’d love to see you all there!
Wednesday Weirdness 1. Do you ever do your own fireworks show in celebration of the 4th of July? Do you go watch a display somewhere else? How do you celebrate? We’ve never done our own fireworks show. Usually we go to some community sponsored event, although when we were in Germany we went to someone …
  What is your definition of a traditional marriage? Do you consider yours to be traditional or contemporary? – I think our marriage is fairly traditional in that I stay home with the kids and Beloved goes out to work. However, I’m not June Cleaver or Harriet Nelson by any stretch. No pearls in the …