Author : nancy

479 posts

A couple of months ago, one of our priests, Father Andrew, a young, fairly new priest, announced that he was being transferred. It was very unexpected and in fact, he only had one more week with us. This is very unusual because the general practice is that the new priests are ordained in May and …
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I think God is really trying to get my attention, possibly because I haven’t been paying attention before! Well, I feel like this is happening a lot lately and I’ve started looking around to see what He’s trying to get me to change. Because, ultimately, He wouldn’t be …
Besides their good looks. Steve is on a business trip so Noah’s been sleeping in our bed. This morning I woke him up for school. Noah: I’m Mommy’s little skunk. Me: Because you stink? Noah: Oh. I’m Mommy’s little hedgehog because I snuggle with her at night. Me. More like you kick me in the …
My husband is on a business trip and will be out of town until Sunday. Life tends to loosen up a bit when he’s gone. I suspect some things slide when I go away, too, but he won’t admit to that. More ice cream and pizza in the freezer when I get home tell a …
Life is getting exciting here but a little baffling at the same time. Last March, and I may have blogged about this, I went to the Jambalaya Jubilee conference in Houma, LA. It’s a small conference held in a public library, and this was the second time I went. This year I pitched Sword & …
I’ve been working on Sword & Illusion for a long time. I remember being at RWA Nationals in Atlanta in 2006 while my husband read the first draft. He said “Three or four hundred more pages and you’ll have it. I thought he was joking. Well, here it is, five years later, and the book …
Parents know there are some milestones your child will go through. You might not expect that sometimes they feel like walking through a door that slams shut behind you and you can never go back. First words. First steps. Start of school. Those are things we expect and sometimes look forward to. They’re signs that …
Our second day in Nashville started a little slow. We went to the Belle Mead Plantation which is a working farm and an antebellum southern plantation. It was okay, but I’ve done plantations before and I get confused over all the names and dates. I guess I’m not a history nerd. The good thing about …
About a month ago or so, my sister-in-law sent me a message on Facebook wondering if I would be interested in the two of us (JUST the two of us) meeting somewhere about halfway between Akron, OH (where she lives) and Baton Rouge, LA (where I live) and spending just a few days doing touristy …
Yesterday afternoon, I “introduced” Noah to a bunch of toys he hadn’t played with since he discovered the “joys” of the DVD player and Netflix Instant Queue, not to mention the Wii. He went nuts, and I had to put new batteries in a very annoying truck that makes obnoxious sounds when you push buttons, …