58 posts

As much as Microsoft is everywhere and trying as hard as possible to take over the world, my vote for Mad Scientist/Evil Overlord is Steve Jobs. Even if everyone I know seems to have an Iphone and EVERYONE on all my favorite TV shows do, I don’t. I seriously can’t afford it and the only …
I’m on our church’s VBS committee as well as doing drama every year. I love it. I love making a fool of myself for Jesus! However, the committee meetings are hard for me sometimes. I don’t know all these people. I mean, I’m getting to know some of the committee members although there are still …
I have been thrilled to see how the people at my husband’s work respect him and come to him for advice and trust him with responsibility. I was there when he was in graduate school and for years he had no self-esteem and thought he’d never get anywhere in his chosen career. It’s been a …
My son is OBSESSED with Mustangs (the car). Whenever we’re driving, he points out every single one that passes us. I drove my husband to the airport for a business trip and our son was in the backseat. I was telling my husband about the bank his father had given The Boy and that The …
My son is on a punishment today because he was mouthy and defiant last night getting ready for bed. He can’t watch TV which is a hard one for me to enforce since my office/work area is two rooms away and he likes to turn the volume way down so I don’t know the TV …
This morning, I went into the kitchen to make my usual morning smoothie and Noah was watching some TV, as school is out for summer and his friends hadn’t started ringing the doorbell and banging on the front door. Me: Did you finish your breakfast? Noah: Yes. Can I have some milk? Me: Sure. Bring …
I took Noah to Chick-fil-a after he got out of school at noon for the next to last day on Tuesday. I hadn’t packed him a lunch as I figured he’d come home and I’d take him out. In the car, he told me that they’d had eggs and bacon at school. Don’t really get …
My father-in-law in very involved in the Marine Corp League. He was commandant of the detachment in New Jersey at the time that we moved from the Philadelphia area to Baton Rouge. I remember this because he drove down here with me and we jokingly called my van “Bulldog One” when we’d call home. His …
This is an early Alfred Hitchcock film (1938). Storyline from IMDB: Travellers on a trans-European train are delayed for a night due to bad weather in a small fictional country called Mandrika. The passengers cram into the small village hotel where socialite Iris Henderson meets an old governess called Miss Froy. Shortly after the journey …
High School Never Ends So, I wasn’t one of the popular kids in high school – whatever that means. My mother thought I was since lots of kids signed my yearbook. After all, popular means lots of people like you, right? Anyway, we know that it didn’t mean that then. And I don’t know that …