Category : Writing

151 posts

  Nine Writing books I love and Four that inspired me to become a writer. 1. Goal, Motivation and Conflict: The Building Blocks of Good Fiction – by Debra Dixon. After I read this book, it changed the way I thought about my plotting. I got to hear her speak about this in September and …
Romance Definitions Those of use in the romance writing field, like people in any profession, have our own jargon. If we intend to have a meaningful discussion about writing romance, or any genre fiction, really, we need to define our terms. This came home to me when talking to my husband about the book he’s …
Why read romance? Why do I write romance? When I was in school, my best friend, Sharon, was a voracious reader, going through about a book a day. She read…:gasp:…Harlequin romances!!! Our school had book fairs twice a year where you literally could buy a Harlequin for fifty cents. You could also get little books …
We had plans to go to a Mardi Gras parade on Friday night but the Boy’s nose was running and he was acting a bit sluggish, so we said, “Nah, we’ll go to the last one in the city tomorrow.” Well, on Saturday he woke up with a fever so since the Girl had “Science …
STAMPING UPDATE: Last night I finished up the Valentine’s for the Boy to take to school. I’m very pleased at the way it turned out, and the teacher who let him out of the car said it was very cute. Of course, the Girl saw me finishing up last night and decided that she needed …
Part of the reason for the last post, I think, was fatigue and possibly a reaction to too many days of rain. I did cry a bit during my Holy Hour and I talked to my husband before that. He said there are miracles in our lives and that God has “moved heaven and earth …
I threw my back out, somehow, on Saturday, and today is the first day I’ve actually felt like doing anything. There are still some twinges in my back and right hip, but I can walk around and do some housework. I even cooked dinner tonight. Whenever I get over one of these things, illness or …
Maybe. Maybe not. I woke up this morning and my friend, Low Grade Annoying Fever, was back. This guy visits me for 3-4 days at a time then goes away only to come back a day or so later. My husband fought this cold for about a month and it’s only been about two weeks …
HEALTH UPDATE: Started the day feeling better but by afternoon I was tired and had little energy so I took it easy. WRITING UPDATE: Rewriting Chapter Five of Sword & Illusion, should be finished tonight. I’m adding a battle scene tonight. My editor (read: husband) thinks I shy away from battle scenes, which are essential …
It’s around 6:25am in the Brand house and Noah will need to get up in about 35 minutes but for now I have silence, darkness and time to myself. I made a decision this morning. I want to go on the Romance Writer’s Cruise that’s briefly mentioned on another page in this blog. Check here, …