Last night I finished up the Valentine’s for the Boy to take to school. I’m very pleased at the way it turned out, and the teacher who let him out of the car said it was very cute.

Let’s see, Sat. the Girl and I went to the mall to look for a new printer. Mine has decided to print lines of text over one another. It doesn’t feed the paper smoothly. I have a $50 Sears gift card from Christmas and DH said I should be able to get a basic, decent printer for that price. Well, Sears only had 3 (not three brands – three printers) and they were all either over $150 or photo printers or both.
We walked around the mall a bit with my 17 year old telling me how she NEEDS new clothes. Her mother can’t remember when she bought something new for herself, but we buy t-shirts at Hot Topic about once a month when she likes a new band. Also, since she’s saving for a trip to PA, she can’t spend her own money on the clothes. Saving means spending Mom and Dad’s money instead.
We looked at the bookstore, which always leaves me feeling unsettled because books are being written without me.
We were going to go to a Mardi Gras parade that evening, but when DH and I told the Girl we were going to confession, she was in too much pain from menstrual cramps she couldn’t watch the Boy. DH told her that if she was well enough to go to the mall and well enough to go to a parade, she should be well enough to watch Noah for 1/2 hour. But when she complained he canceled the parade.

We went to another Rite Aid, but they were closed, too. We decided to go to the ER and see if we could get the dose I needed for that night. Well, of course, it’s not a drug they keep in the ER so they had to see if the hosptial pharmacy had it, but then that was closed. What ended up happening, and by this time I wanted them to check DH’s BP!!!, was that they took me into an exam room! I was getting a little ticked and said that I wanted to just go home and wait until tomorrow. I wouldn’t die! The doctor finally came in, listened to my heart and our story and took probably 20 minutes to write out the RX for THREE STUPID PILLS! I think he was worried I was some kind of junkie looking to score. Like junkies ask for three 250 mg tablets of CellCept for crying out loud. We found a 24 hour pharmacy that we will be using from now on.

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