Category : Friends

15 posts

Getting to Know You Tuesday – Anne Clayre Mason/A. C. Mason Today my guest is my friend Anne Clayre Mason. BIO: A. C. Mason, is a Louisiana native and resident. She’s a mother, grandmother, and twice a great-grandmother. Her two daughters and their families live in nearby communities. She grew up reading Nancy Drew, Trixie …
I want to thank HiDee ( for inviting me to join the blog tour. , What am I working on? I suffer from TMIS (Too Many Ideas Syndrome), so there are about four books bumping around in my skull, but I am actively polishing Pigsty Princess, an epic fantasy about a princess who has no …
In 2004, my first book came out. Fabric of Faith was the book of my heart. I really believe God gave me that book, because for the first and only time in my life, I knew the whole story when I got, beginning, middle and end. I don’t do much as far as promoting Fabric …
My dear friend, Josephine Templeton, has written a wonderful story about a young girl who grows up on a pirate ship, pretending to be a boy. I haven’t finished reading this yet, but so far it’s an engaging, unexpected story. Jesse gets herself into trouble and works hard to keep her identity a secret. The …
I’m guessing Meet me on Monday isn’t running anymore as the blog that sponsored it seems to be “stuck” at a couple of weeks ago, so I’ll do this one. Just a bit of Miscellany to talk about. 1. This week seemed to have a Fifty Shades of Grey theme. It is NOT a book …
Here is my modern take on the annual Christmas letter. This will end up on Facebook where I “live” and most of my friends and family are there, or at least their kids are so it is my hope that everyone who needs to will see this. What can I say about 2011? It was …
I’m doing NaNoWriMo this year. I’ve done it before, but this year I’m very excited because I took the time to plot out a book beforehand, mostly. I had about 3/4 of it plotted before I started writing on November 2. (November first is a Holy Day of obligation for the Catholic Church and I …
Recently, I had the good fortune to reconnect with two of my cousins on my father’s side through a group on Facebook for people with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). This is the disease that is on my father’s side of the family and which is the reason I had my transplant ten years ago. I …
Life is getting exciting here but a little baffling at the same time. Last March, and I may have blogged about this, I went to the Jambalaya Jubilee conference in Houma, LA. It’s a small conference held in a public library, and this was the second time I went. This year I pitched Sword & …
I’m on our church’s VBS committee as well as doing drama every year. I love it. I love making a fool of myself for Jesus! However, the committee meetings are hard for me sometimes. I don’t know all these people. I mean, I’m getting to know some of the committee members although there are still …