Author : nancy

479 posts

Just called a magazine I’ve been getting for years, but haven’t received for several months. The subscription is supposed to run out in July this year so I called to find out why I hadn’t gotten any for the last few months. First, they couldn’t find me in the system, but they found another woman …
Me: I’m thinking about making my hero a veterinarian. Beloved: You know, veterinary school is very hard to get into. Me: That’s one of the joys of being a writer. I can just say it’s so and it’s so. No tests, no grades, no hassle!
When the Girl was little, she made up the names for her grandparents – Rugga and Bumpa. I guess a lot of kids do that. I have a friend who called her mother “Bimma.” When we were roommates and my mother called, she told me my Bimma called. I told her I don’t have a …
I finished Sword & Illusion! This was the final editing. Beloved is now going to read it for what I’m calling “polishing.” I do NOT intend to do any more rewriting or scene adding or anything like this. I’m going to RWA’s National Conference in July in Orlando, and I fully intend to do my …
As you have probably guesses since it’s been over two weeks since I posted my last career plan update, things haven’t been moving along on the Cherry Challenge book. However, I am getting Sword & Illusion polished. This has been a growth experience for me. A couple of months ago, my sister-in-law (Beloved’s sister) and …
Tuesday didn’t go so well, or it went great, depending on how you look at it. I got Sword & Illusion edited (or at least I worked on it for an hour), then I read my husband’s book and critiqued it for an hour. Then I took my little Netbook and went to the carpool …
Yesterday started out a bit rough. I was a little angry at the world and my family in particular. I woke up all excited about my new plan for my career, but then Beloved reminded me that I need to edit Sword & Illusion first, then read his book. I figured out as I drove …
This weekend I was at the Jubilee Jambalaya Writers’ Conference in Houma, LA. It is a small, but very well respected conference. Harley Jane Kozak was the keynote speaker, if that tells you anything. Besides the funny and inspiring keynote address by Ms. Kozak, I attended two workshops given by Cherry Adair. She is a …
It’s been a rough fall and winter at the Brandt household and much of it seemed to fall squarely on my shoulders. Mainly, I guess because I’m at home and I was the one to whom a lot of the medical issues attacked. A couple of weeks ago, Beloved said he was going to give …
Last weekend, 14 Mar 10, we went to a St. Patrick’s Day parade here in Baton Rouge, and like every parade I’ve been to here, it was more about beads and dancing to great or not-so-great music blaring from long trailers decorated in some tangential way that kinda reflects whatever theme there is carrying people …