58 posts

I have two book ideas (okay I have a ton but this post is about two in particular) that kinda play off a “superhero” idea. One that’s on the back burner for the time being is a YA about a high school girl whose mother marries the headmaster of a superhero high school, and therefore, …
This week marked the 25th anniversary of the day I met my husband, the man who makes every day of my life happier than it could have been without him. However, somewhere along the way, I’ve lost belief in myself. I am at my lowest weight since Weight Watchers started their new Points Plus program, …
Such a great celebration! First off, yesterday was the last day of my low iodine experience for this year. Since it was thyroid cancer, this will be repeated for the next few years. To begin with, I need to go back to Thursday night. I’m part of a Guild Wars “guild.” We play almost every …
Today is Valentine’s Day and as a romance/fantasy author, I wanted to tell you a little about my Valentine. We met 25 years ago. I saw him first. He was singing in the church choir with his dad at a Lenten Wednesday night service. The church we attended at the time was populated mostly by …
The Boy and I were sitting at the dining room table this morning after he’d eaten breakfast but before it was time to leave for school. He had just finished writing his spelling words for the test today. Me: Go put your belt on. The Boy (making sarcastic quote marks in the air): Put your …
Background: If you’ve never seen Galaxy Quest, first – what’s wrong with you, and second – you just need to know that Captain Taggart (Tim Allen’s character) is the star and he’s a big ham, stealing all of Alan Rickman’s lines (in the “show” Galaxy Quest, not the movie itself) and showing off. In one …
Doctor Who invades Mass at our house.
I’m a major procrastinator, in lots of things, but this year, I’m turning over a new leaf. On New Years’ Eve, my brother and sister-in-law, who had been visiting us for a week, left to go back to Ohio. I think partly because of that and that I felt like I hadn’t had enough time …