58 posts

So, what’s happening in Brandt world? The Boy did his First Eucharist on Sunday. That was exciting. He looked so handsome. I made him a rosary and we had a formal portrait of him taken with it, which I’ll post here and on Facebook when we get it. We sat in the front pew, mainly …
Storyline (from IMDB) This film documents the coal miners’ strike against the Brookside Mine of the Eastover Mining Company in Harlan County, Kentucky in June, 1973. Eastovers refusal to sign a contract (when the miners joined with the United Mine Workers of America) led to the strike, which lasted more than a year and included …
I went to see a podiatrist last week because I’ve been having a lot of pain in my left heel. I had three x-rays done before the visit. As I sat in the exam chair, he pulled up the X-rays on the computer screen and started showing me why my foot’s been bothering me. He …
A couple of weeks ago at Weight Watchers, the topic was about putting ourselves first. Not because no one else matters, as my daughter interpreted it, but because, as women, we often put other people’s needs ahead of our own and therefore, the idea of taking time away from our homes to go to the …
Today I had to run some errands and since school is out for spring/Easter break, I took Noah with me. One of the things we had to do was go to the Y and sign him up for swimming lessons and summer basketball. From the front desk at the Y, you can see into the …
I make rosaries. My Facebook fan page says “I make wizards” because that’s how my son describes my writing. However, I make rosaries, too. As a convert to Catholicism, there’s something appealing to me about the feel of the beads in my hands as I pray but also the feel as I have to slow …
My husband and I adopted a little boy almost 9 years ago, 12 years after our daughter was born. I was 43, and I understand that’s a little old to have a baby in the house. I have resigned myself to the fact that some of his friends’ mothers will be young enough to be …
I watch a lot of television shows on Hulu and lately I’ve been seeing ads for “The Criterion Collection,” a collection of films that are supposed to be the best from all over the world. I took a film class in college and since then have been interested in seeing films that other members of …
This past weekend was the Jambalaya Jubilee Writers’ Conference in Houma, Louisiana. Houma is about two hours from Baton Rouge and my friend, Josephine Templeton’s parents have a camp about half an hour from the location of the conference. This is the second year I’ve gone down with her. Last year, Rhonda Leah, was also …
Since the RWA National Conference, I have believed that I was a hardcore pantser – someone who gets a story idea and dives, blindly, into the mist and trusts that the story will present itself. In workshops at the conference, I heard other hardcore pantsers talk about their writing process. Several of them are multipublished …