58 posts

Parents know there are some milestones your child will go through. You might not expect that sometimes they feel like walking through a door that slams shut behind you and you can never go back. First words. First steps. Start of school. Those are things we expect and sometimes look forward to. They’re signs that …
Our second day in Nashville started a little slow. We went to the Belle Mead Plantation which is a working farm and an antebellum southern plantation. It was okay, but I’ve done plantations before and I get confused over all the names and dates. I guess I’m not a history nerd. The good thing about …
About a month ago or so, my sister-in-law sent me a message on Facebook wondering if I would be interested in the two of us (JUST the two of us) meeting somewhere about halfway between Akron, OH (where she lives) and Baton Rouge, LA (where I live) and spending just a few days doing touristy …
Yesterday afternoon, I “introduced” Noah to a bunch of toys he hadn’t played with since he discovered the “joys” of the DVD player and Netflix Instant Queue, not to mention the Wii. He went nuts, and I had to put new batteries in a very annoying truck that makes obnoxious sounds when you push buttons, …
Do you know about Rebecca Black? She is this young girl whose mother paid $4,000 to a vanity video/music producer so Rebecca could record and make a video for this song called “Friday.” You can’t see the video anymore on YouTube, but it went viral because a lot of people think it’s the worst song …
We’re doing Vacation Bible School at our church this week and as always, I am the Drama Leader. I get to ham it up and act totally loony all in the name of Jesus. I absolutely love it. Of course, I’m exhausted when I get home and this year I’ve taken a pain pill each …
Some of my friends know that I love to sew. I mean, LOVE to sew. I had actually forgotten how much until this weekend. Our house has this HUGE rec room (30 x 24) and roughly half of is has been taken over by my craft stuff. This includes an old dining room table I …
I picked up my son from soccer camp today. He’s been going there every day and will be there every morning until the end of the week. This is his third year and from all accounts, he loves it. Anyway, it’s been super hot here in Louisiana, so by the time I pick him up …
This is a busy day for my son. As a normal 9-year-old boy who had ADHD, summer can be hard on my darling Noah. This is the first year he’s actually had friends who knock on the door asking if “Noah can come out and play,” and for that I’m totally grateful. Last summer was …
If you’ve read much of this blog, you know that I feel lost most of the time when it comes to my kids’ schools. Well, turns out that I’m apparently confused in the rest of my life, too. Every year, I sign my son up for swimming lessons at the local YMCA. He LOVES the …