If you’ve read much of this blog, you know that I feel lost most of the time when it comes to my kids’ schools.
Well, turns out that I’m apparently confused in the rest of my life, too.
Every year, I sign my son up for swimming lessons at the local YMCA. He LOVES the water and LOVES to swim. (A neighbor once suggested that we didn’t adopt him but found him washed up on the beach or something.)
EVERY year, I forget to write down the week that his lessons were, so I called the Y and asked. When they told me, I realized that there was going to be a conflict with his soccer camp (which runs from 9-12 every day) next week. I told them that the second week of his lessons would conflict so they nicely said I could keep the same weeks, but change the time to 4 pm from 10 am.
Okay, so the lessons started the day after Memorial Day, Tuesday, so we went to the pool at 3:45 pm. At around 4, the lifeguard asked if we were here for lessons and his name.
Turns out they didn’t have him listed for this week at any time! However, they had a class he could join. I asked the lifeguard if I’d screwed up and brought him to the wrong class. She said it didn’t matter because he would fit right in with a class already scheduled at 4 for his age. She suggested that maybe because the time was changed, that information was never conveyed to the right person.
The woman I talked to a couple of weeks ago did say she was going to have to write a note about Noah changing his time, so maybe, regardless of how this all looks, it wasn’t me who was confused this time!
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