Tag : writing

65 posts

This week my guest is the very patient Helen Pollard. Helen Pollard writes contemporary romance with old-fashioned heart. She believes there will always be a place for romantic fiction, no matter how fast-paced and cynical the world becomes. Readers still want that feel-good factor – to escape from their own world for a while and …
I’m joining fellow Clean Reads author, Felicia Rogers for Fourteen Line Friday. You can see the rules and other great excerpts over at Felicia’s site, but I wanted to share my fourteen lines with you here. This excerpt comes from Pigsty Princess, my latest epic fantasy novel (released in February). Buy links are at the …
Today I am participating for the first time in Snippet Sunday. Here are just a few lines from Questionable Queen, the sequel to Pigsty Princess. Royal Princess Ursula, the sister of Queen Mariana, heroine of Pigsty, has gone to see her mother after agreeing to marry the King of Heyton, a country Valborough has been …
Finally, I have a new laptop, AND I can get my old hard drive from Best Buy this weekend. In the meantime, I’m posting a special Getting to Know you. Cathy Bennett Lascow has been more than patient with me as I deal with my own procrastination issues, illness, computer troubles, etc. Anyone else would …
Today my guest is Shirley McCoy. BIO: Shirley grew up in Baton Rouge, LA and started writing at an early age. Always talkative, when she was eleven she began to put her thoughts on paper, writing stories inspired by some of her favorite writers, Laura Ingalls Wilder and Madeline L’Engle. As she grew older, she developed a love …
I know it’s been a while since I posted anything. Partly, that’s because of the holidays starting and time rushing away from me. Also, I had pretty much run out of authors who had requested to visit my blog. The next couple of weeks will be for a few who contacted me some time back, …
Getting to Know You Tuesday – Anne Clayre Mason/A. C. Mason Today my guest is my friend Anne Clayre Mason. BIO: A. C. Mason, is a Louisiana native and resident. She’s a mother, grandmother, and twice a great-grandmother. Her two daughters and their families live in nearby communities. She grew up reading Nancy Drew, Trixie …
Today my long overdue guest is Charlene Wilson. BIO: Charlene A. Wilson is an author of tales that take you to other dimensions. She weaves magic, lasting love, and intrigue to immerse you into the lives of her characters. She began writing in her early teens when her vivid dreams stayed with her long after …
Today my guest is Lynn Shurr. BIO: Once a librarian, now a writer of romance, Lynn Shurr grew up in Pennsylvania Dutch country. She attended a state college and earned a very impractical B.A. in English Literature. Her first job out of school really was working as a cashier in a burger joint. Moving from …
Yes, I’m late once again. Today’s Featured Author is L. E. Fred. L. E. Fred is a perpetual dreamer who writes about worlds both within and without this realm. With a degree in psychology, L. E. Fred tends to get lost in the mind, the greatest adventure of all. L. E. Fred is currently traveling …