Category : Christianity

18 posts

I found this story and video on Modestly Yours. It’s nice to see young people talking about abstinence is actually practical in their lives and that there are benefits far beyond not getting pregnant nor getting an STD. As an NFP teacher, I know that abstinence isn’t only a problem for teens. Many couples have …
Mt 5:43-48 Jesus said to his disciples: “You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the …
This past weekend was another hard one, toward the end. DH and the Boy went on a campout so the Girl and I were home alone. We had a pretty good time just hanging out. I ate too much junk and will see the result this afternoon at Weight Watchers. I became worrying about money …
I’ve been WAY busy trying to get this NaNoWriMo book written. Almost finished, and then December will be focused on getting Christmas gifts made/organized! Speaking of Christmas, I saw this today. I wonder how long it will be before going to church will be outlawed because you might offend an atheist as you drive by!!
I saw this article mentioned on the Drudge Report this morning. It really shouldn’t suprise anyone that a Bishop of the Church of England has made this sweeping, shocking announcement. In 1930, the Church of England decided at the Lambeth Conference of that year that birth control was acceptable in hardship cases. How many people …
It takes a lot of courage to show dreams to someone else.” ~ Erma Bombeck Lately, I’ve been thinking about dreams. Not nighttime dreams of cooking pasta for Ray Romano while you’re on a raft in the ocean trying to find your car keys. Dreams that come from your heart and whisper in your ear …
I wrote earlier about feelings of spiritual dryness so I’ve been praying a rosary every day and trying to have some devotional time every morning. In that vein, when I was at Barnes and Noble yesterday (looking for a British cross stitch magazine) I found a Catholic Woman’s Devotional Bible. Since it’s not easy to …
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, “What! You too? I thought I was the only one!” ~ C.S. Lewis ~ This quote came from Blogging with Christian Women Online. I have been meaning to join in with this Get Inspired “meme” thing, but I continue to get distracted. Today …