I heard this on a radio station I listen to from time to time online. I used to listen to this station all the time when I lived in a Philadelphia suburb, and I miss it still, sometimes. Anyway, the French think that Halloween is too American, too commercial. Well, duh!!! It’s all and ONLY …
Category : Catholicism
25 posts
My Tuesday Treasure this week is a sick call kit my sister-in-law gave us. Neither Steve nor I were born and raised Catholic, so neither of us had seen one before, and he thought it was one of a set of Stations of the Cross from an old church. She’d found it in an antique …
I wrote earlier about feelings of spiritual dryness so I’ve been praying a rosary every day and trying to have some devotional time every morning. In that vein, when I was at Barnes and Noble yesterday (looking for a British cross stitch magazine) I found a Catholic Woman’s Devotional Bible. Since it’s not easy to …
For months now, I think since last September or October, I’ve been doing a Holy Hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament every Saturday morning from midnight to one am. Early, early in the morning! It used to be that I was joined by a man, although the nature of a Holy Hour is that …
I’m on several writing loops and last week a woman on one of the loops (I don’t want to get too specific because this is a tentative opportunity – nothing is “set” yet) contacted me to say that she is in the process of possibly becoming a book packager for a religious publisher – one …