I wrote earlier about feelings of spiritual dryness so I’ve been praying a rosary every day and trying to have some devotional time every morning. In that vein, when I was at Barnes and Noble yesterday (looking for a British cross stitch magazine) I found a Catholic Woman’s Devotional Bible. Since it’s not easy to …
Author : nancy
479 posts
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, “What! You too? I thought I was the only one!” ~ C.S. Lewis ~ This quote came from Blogging with Christian Women Online. I have been meaning to join in with this Get Inspired “meme” thing, but I continue to get distracted. Today …
Well, yesterday was a good day at our house. I went to Weight Watchers and was down 2.6 pounds from two weeks ago. That was pretty amazing as the inlaws had been here and we’d celebrated my daughter’s birthday with pizza and ice cream cake. I did workout a lot so that must have had …
I will conduct a book signing and a lecture on writing and publishing at the Iberville Parish Library in Plaquemine, LA, on Saturday, September 23, from 10:30 -11:30 A.M. Sponsored by The Friends of the Iberville Public Libraries, the program is free and open to the public. Lynn Emery, a romance writer, will also be …
For months now, I think since last September or October, I’ve been doing a Holy Hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament every Saturday morning from midnight to one am. Early, early in the morning! It used to be that I was joined by a man, although the nature of a Holy Hour is that …
Appetizer Name 3 things that you are wearing today. I’ll be putting on exercise shorts, an old cow t-shirt and my sneakers to head to the Y. Soup Who was the last person you hugged? My son. Salad What do you like to order from your favorite fast food place? Chicken fingers and fries. Main …
I’m on several writing loops and last week a woman on one of the loops (I don’t want to get too specific because this is a tentative opportunity – nothing is “set” yet) contacted me to say that she is in the process of possibly becoming a book packager for a religious publisher – one …
Thirteen Things I love about LIVING IN BATON ROUGE1. Our House – It needs some work, but it’s really great2. Flowers almost all year round!3. Hobby Lobby – didn’t have one in PA – feels like my mothership! 4. Scrapbook Stores very close by. 5. A Sonic Drive-in within a mile and a half – …
Appetizer What are some lyrics you have misheard (such as, instead of “Gettin’ Jiggy With It” you heard “Kick a chicken with it”)? I can’t remember any I misheard. I’m sure I have some but none come to mind right now. My daughter and I, however, still laugh about a song where the lyrics are …