Author : nancy

479 posts

I heard this on a radio station I listen to from time to time online. I used to listen to this station all the time when I lived in a Philadelphia suburb, and I miss it still, sometimes. Anyway, the French think that Halloween is too American, too commercial. Well, duh!!! It’s all and ONLY …
I got this from another Nancy, a new blogger I’m going to read regularly. 1. What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen? Jaws. Honestly, I had nightmares about that opening scene and still can’t watch it. 2. What was your favorite Halloween costume from childhood? I don’t remember many of my costumes. I did a …
Appetizer Create a new candle scent. Fresh cut grass Soup Name one way you show affection to others. I always turn my husband’s shirts right side out and hang them up right out of the dryer. Salad What is your favorite writing instrument? My AlphaSmart Main Course If you were given $25 to spend anywhere …
I’m not Chevy Chase, but I wanted to get you all caught up on what happened around here this weekend. Friday Juliette didn’t have school so Noah and I took her to the Office of Motor Vehicles to get her driver’s license. So, yes, ladies and gentlemen, my daughter is a legal driver!!! Then that …
1. I went to and joined a Hostess Club at the home of a local Stampin’ Up demonstrator and had a fabulous time. I made a decorated clipboard, a card and a decorated notepad. I’m going to do this again next month. 2. I had the weekend pretty much alone as Steve and Noah went …
My friend Camy Tang is having a contest on her website to celebrate the release of her first book in September 2007, and a couple of lucky people are going to win an iPod. Okay, this is going to sound a bit strange, but I want one. My daughter got an iPod for her birthday …
  I joined Weight Watchers in May, right before Memorial Day. This was after doing three weight loss sessions at our local YMCA and trying to do it on my own. I decided I needed the support and the weekly weigh-ins. I love Weight Watchers, but I have some kind of mental block on all …
Yesterday was pretty busy, at least in the morning. Juliette came into my room before school and said she had an upset stomach, but was going to school anyway because she had a couple of tests, and could I come to school between 8-11 to get her. I told her no because I had plans, …
For the past couple of weeks, I’ve felt like I was hovering on the verge of a cold, and I was begging God to just let me get sick and get it over with! However, yesterday I finally felt a little better. I mean, not like I wanted to spend the day sitting in a …
I got back to Baton Rouge at around 11 pm last Wednesday nigh and my internet connection was down the whole next day. Then I had a bad cold or something, no energy and my brain felt fried, I think from all the stress involved with the funeral and all so I haven’t been able …