Author : nancy

479 posts

Beloved took today off because he wanted a chance to work on his writing. Today is also the beginning of the Boy’s Spring Break, but he had an appointment with his psychologist for a follow-up evaluation at 8 am, so we had to get up early anyway. My alarm went off at 5:45 as it …
Welcome to the Good Friday Blog Train. I hope you’re having a blessed Triduum. Here is my portion of the train: You can download it by clicking on the links below: Papers Elements I hope you’ll leave a comment when you download it. Don’t forget to visit all the stops along the route and thank …
The Triduum begins today. The Holiest days of the year and the end of Lent. How has your Lent been going? I started out with a whole bunch of things I was going to do, but ended up only doing the one thing – getting up every weekday morning at 5:45 and not hitting the …
The Girl has this week off from college for Spring Break and Beloved has Friday off. He’s decided to take Thursday and Monday, too, because he wants to focus on his book. He split his days off because the Boy has NEXT week off. It would be so nice if they could have had the …
My husband’s status on Google Talk says, “Frozen in Carbonite.” I asked him why and he said because he feels like he’s just waiting for a number of things to happen. 1. He’s waiting to hear if he got the new job, basically his boss’s job (boss is leaving or has left). He was told …
Rules for the Easter Egg Hunt 1. Visit each participant to receive their portion of the the Easter Blog Train. 2. Make sure you leave some luv when download *LOL* 3. Unzip all your new goodies and look for the Magic Egg. The Magic Egg has been randomly placed in 2 of the zips. One …
Sorry, gang.I’ve been really busy this past week. I thought I was going to go crazy this weekend with everything that was going on. We went to a party at the home of a co-worker of Beloved’s. It was a crawfish boil and I am NOT a crawfish person. In fact, I don’t want to …
Okay, so I’m late. It’s after 6 pm here, and I’m just getting this freebie up for you. Sorry about that, but my mother and brother and mother are here and we’ve been doing stuff so I haven’t been able to get to the computer. In all my stores, there is a kit called Irish …
I have a beautiful daughter. As I’ve shared scrapbook layouts of her, I’ve had strangers comments on how lovely she is. She is that age where youth and enthusiasm and health come together to create a woman designed to attract a mate. She is lovely. I just hit 50 years old and while I’m trying …