Right after Christmas, I began to feel that we were coming out of the tunnel of trouble that had inflicted this family. Then I stopped taking my thyroid meds for the radioactive thyroid scan and that affected my emotions and the sciatica came back. Since then, my mother-in-law ended up in the hospital with a …
Author : nancy
479 posts
I’ve never been a big fan of the phrase “it’s not fair.” I mean, after the age of about 12 or so. As an adult, what does the concept of fair mean anyway? When you are a kid, fair means that if Billy gets a cookie, Sally gets a cookie. Balance is maintained. Everyone is …
I am once again undergoing a treatment for the thyroid cancer I had removed Fall 2008. This time I’m going to have another radioactive iodine scan to see if any of the thyroid tissue has grown back. The good news is that it’s a low dose of radioactive iodine, so I won’t have to be …
SWORD & ILLUSION IS DONE! Okay, now that the cheering and celebration is done, a little disclaimer. The book, first draft was finished about 3 or so years ago and it went through a massive edti/rewrite/set aside period that included my husband reading the whole book and making comments. Then I went through the whole …
It’s been six years since my books came out and unfortunately, the publisher I used didn’t offer contracts for more that the individual book they were buying at the time. Also, both of the books I published in 2004 had been written several years before. Attack of the Queen, written as Honor Cummings, had been …
Schools are closed this morning due to a hard freeze after rain yesterday. However, just heard on the radio that none of the roads are frozen. I think people in Baton Rouge are afraid of cold weather. It’s 26 deg F here. In PA, the kids would still go to school! Oh, well, I don’t …
I’ve never put much stock in New Years’ Resolutions. I know lots of people do, but for me it was never anything serious. I would make a list at the beginning of the year, probably 1 Jan, and then never look at it again or even remember what I’d written down. However, God seems to …
I hope everyone had a good Christmas. We did. The Boy is seven and he “gloms” onto certain words and has his own cute kind of sentence structure. When asked, for example, if he is tired, he’ll reply with something like: “Not really, but I am.” or “I’m kind of sleepy but I’m not.” When …
I’ve decided to start a blog to post pictures and updates on my craft projects. Check out Needles and Notes..
Today I am wearing a Java one baseball shirt my husband picked up at a conference. I have no make-up on, but at least my hair is clean and combed. Nothing to outstanding to my way of thinking. So why was I flirted with twice today? The Girl and I went to Quizno’s to pick …