62 posts

Do you like my piggie? I love that she’s reading!!I hope it’s my book. Anyway, you can see me and pick up a copy of either of my books just by checking the personal appearance page. I’d love to see you all there!
Wednesday Weirdness 1. Do you ever do your own fireworks show in celebration of the 4th of July? Do you go watch a display somewhere else? How do you celebrate? We’ve never done our own fireworks show. Usually we go to some community sponsored event, although when we were in Germany we went to someone …
  What is your definition of a traditional marriage? Do you consider yours to be traditional or contemporary? – I think our marriage is fairly traditional in that I stay home with the kids and Beloved goes out to work. However, I’m not June Cleaver or Harriet Nelson by any stretch. No pearls in the …
  I’ve started using memes again because sometimes coming up with content is hard for me, especially as I’ve been working to finish Sword & Illusion. I want there to me new stuff here for you all to read and hopefully, develop a “following.”   Anyway, my husband, who writes the sometimes very funny Regularly …
The Boy turned 6 in April, and we got him a bicycle. It is actually his second bike; his first one was too small. When he first got his training wheels off, he would ride just a little and not too fast, saying it was too hard or something. I figured he just didn’t like …
I’ve got a busy day planned today. Weight Watchers and then lots of errands. Have to get The Boy signed up for activities this summer. I can’t believe how busy the summer is already and it isn’t even OFFICIALLY summer yet! The Girl has been working at her job and hanging out with her friends …
Years ago when I was in college, I attended a forensics tournament as part of a public speaking class. On the drive back to my dorm (my brother insists they’re called “residence halls” – yeah, whatever), I hit a patch of fog so bad I could barely see past the front of the car. I …
This is a story about MY son, written by my husband. Gotta say I’m so proud.
I didn’t realize I hadn’t posted in almost a month. Lots of stuff has been going on. The Girl graduates high school next Monday, so we’re kind of in mild stress mode. My mom arrives tomorrow afternoon with Beloved’s parents and sister coming in on Sunday. Of course, that’s the same day as baccalaureate, so …
This actually happened several days ago and I intended to blog about it, but with so much else going on in our lives, it’s hard to sit down and tell you about the funny stuff that happens around here. First, the roaches. No, we don’t live in a garbage dump, but the lovely, genteel South, …