Category : Teaser Tuesday

5 posts

Hello, gang! I’m sorry I didn’t get a Teaser posted last Tuesday. Life was just chaos. Last week was Vacation Bible School at our church, a time of year I love and dread! I do drama (story time) every year, and while it’s fun and I love it, I am always exhausted by lunch time …
There seems to be some confusion about Teaser Tuesday. The idea is that you post an excerpt (a teaser) from your most recent or soon to be released novel. I write fantasy, but it can be anything! Maybe not erotic, but if you can keep the excerpt PG-13, that would be cool. Anyway, you post …
Welcome to another edition of Teaser Tuesday. In news, Sword & Illusion has still not been released even though it was supposed to come out last week. Last I knew, we were still work out cover issues. This is very frustrating, but in the meantime, you get another teaser. If you are an author with …
Sorry I didn’t get Teaser Tuesday done last week, and right after I said I wanted to make this a regular thing. I woke up last week so sick I didn’t have the energy to turn on the computer. But I’m better today, so here is your teaser for Sword & Illusion. Oh, just to …
My book, Sword & Illusion will be released on 31 May – a mere 16 days from today!!!! I decided to institute Teaser Tuesday, one day a week where I will post snippets of my books for your enjoyment, and I hope, to entice you to put this book on your “To Be Read” pile. …