Author : nancy

479 posts

I am feeling pretty humble right now. I am a big fan of the Biggest Loser. Last episode Jillian had one of the girls actually get on the treadmill and run 10 miles an hour for 5 seconds. I thought I could do that, so today after I did my 45 minutes of the stairstepper, …
Today I’d like to introduce you to multi-published, Elaine Cantrell. Elaine Cantrell was born and raised in South Carolina. She holds a Master’s Degree in Personnel Services from Clemson University and is a member of Alpha Delta Kappa, an international honorary sorority for women educators. She is also a member of Romance Writer’s of America …
El-e-e tagged me for this meme. I’m glad because it’s been awhile (again) since I wrote anything here. Yes there will be more featured authors. I’m working on interview questions tonight. The rules: 1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts. 2. Players – You must list one fact that is …
It was a big weekend at our house, at least Sunday was. All day the Boy kept talking about how he wanted to sleep in his own room. You have to understand that Beloved and I are kind of Attachment Parenting types. We breastfed our daughter for… a long time and we believe in the …
I’m thrilled to be able to bring you another wonderful author, Elaine Grant. Elaine and I have been friends for over a year. She was president of our local RWA chapter, HeartLA last year and I was vice-president. We went to RWA’s National Conference in Atlanta last year. Elaine drove and I paid for gas! …
I’m starting a few feature here. I decided that with so many wonderful authors and books out there, my readers might like to know a little more about some of their favorites and maybe find out about some authors they didn’t know before. I hope you find something here you’ll want to read! Today’s author …
Well, the results from Who Wants to be a Superhero is over, and of course, the best man won. I’m not has thrilled with the updated special effects and all that cheesy “story line” stuff they added this season once they found out that people actually watched this. Last season was a little more fun …
1. Again, I wonder what I did all those years we only had the Girl and she was in school all day. I should have a lot more books written, more sewing done, more crafts finished. 2. The Boy is having some discipline problems – mostly trying to figure out the tougher rules for kindergarten, …
In looking over my stats for this blog, I’ve noticed that one of the search terms that people use and find me is “Padme.” In case you don’t know, that’s the name of Anakin Skywalker’s (DARTH VADER) love and Luke and Leia’s mommy. If you’re interested at all in the Skywalker family (and laughing) read …
Some thoughts on vacations and having people visit you on their vacations: 1. Some people are willing to spend money on a hotel just to get out of the car, regardless of how little they have left to go to get to their finally destination. 2. Flying long distances is never fun, regardless of the …