5 posts

Last week I was in a lot of pain due to a back spasm, and consequently, because I’m not a SuperWoman by any means, I was pretty convinced the world hated me. My husband did his best to cheer me up. He told me I am a strong woman and I got this. I don’t …
So today at work, I was chatting with a woman buying small pieces of a bunch of fabrics, which usually means she’s making a quilt. When I asked, she told me that her daughter is expecting a girl but doesn’t like pink which explained why she was buying peachy, orange-y fabric. Then, because of Juliette …
I guess teenagers think their parents are stupid. Noah told me that “every kid” in his class at school makes fun of him for not having a phone. EVERY ONE OF THEM, MOM!! Me: Names. I want names. Noah: All of them. Me: Then it shouldn’t be hard to come up with a name. Noah: …
8:30 am Well, the boys have left for their campout. Getting out the door was not without stress. Apparently, the Chromebook we gave Noah for schoolwork (and Steve has most of the Internet blocked) is a box-shaped Pied Piper. Noah couldn’t do even the simplest task (like put your sleeping bag in the car) without …
In October, I started working part-time at Joann Fabrics, handling the cutting counter, which I love, usually. I’ve gone through a few weeks of wishing, more than anything, I could quit, mainly because I was tired every day and felt like I was missing family stuff. Our laundry doesn’t get done as rapidly as before, …