October 2007

10 posts

Today I’m happy to introduce to you my newest Guest Blogger, Abby Gaines. You can read her bio here. How short is too short? The books I write tend to be looong—at least, long for series romances. Recently though, I’ve tried writing in two shorter formats. My first novella, The Natural, comes out this month …
I’m working on getting a new blog just for the weight loss stuff. My darling Beloved says he can get me a new wordpress blog just for that, but it’s not high on his priority list. I’d like this blog to be focused on writing, but for now, I need to put the weight loss …
I’ve belonged to Weight Watchers since May 2006, and as of Monday, I’ve lost 7.2 pounds. There was a point when I was down almost 20 pounds, but I’ve fallen off the program. I don’t know why because I know the program works and I want to lose weight. I think the problem might be …
Today I want to introduce you to Anna Dynowski, author of For Better, For Worse, Forever, which will be released in just a couple of days from Wings Press. Hi, Anna! Thanks for joining us today! Your book, For Better, For Worse, Forever, is scheduled to be released in November. How long did it take …
I don’t often write about spiritual stuff on this blog, but I am a devout Catholic Christian and sometimes things come up that I think need to be discussed. I found this article written by a fellow Catholic author, Pete Vere, and with all the hoopla that has gone on about Harry Potter for so …
Romance writers are some of the nicest, most helpful people I’ve ever known. Maybe it has something to do with most of us being women and all of us dealing with emotions as our job. Romance writers share the secrets of how they write their books, essentially training their replacements. No other profession does this …
I’m very excited! I have my first guest blogger. Let’s give a warm Romancechick welcome to Diana Cosby! Diana Cosby www.dianacosby.com People often ask me why I write and why in the medieval era. Before I was a writer, I was an avid reader. I remember as a teenager reading two books a day, and …
I’ve been watching my blog stats go up recently. I haven’t a clue why but yesterday I had a record 78 visitors and according to my stat counter a whooping 69 visitors arrived her while looking for variations on the word “halloween.” I looked up “halloween” on Google and through TWENTY pages, I couldn’t find …
I am feeling pretty humble right now. I am a big fan of the Biggest Loser. Last episode Jillian had one of the girls actually get on the treadmill and run 10 miles an hour for 5 seconds. I thought I could do that, so today after I did my 45 minutes of the stairstepper, …
Today I’d like to introduce you to multi-published, Elaine Cantrell. Elaine Cantrell was born and raised in South Carolina. She holds a Master’s Degree in Personnel Services from Clemson University and is a member of Alpha Delta Kappa, an international honorary sorority for women educators. She is also a member of Romance Writer’s of America …