I’m working on getting a new blog just for the weight loss stuff. My darling Beloved says he can get me a new wordpress blog just for that, but it’s not high on his priority list.

I’d like this blog to be focused on writing, but for now, I need to put the weight loss stuff here.

Cut into my Weekly allowance points yesterday and soy nuts have more points than I thought. However, I also went to the Y twice so I racked up 10 activity points yesterday.

Went this morning and got 9 points so I’m not fully out of points yet. A big bad choice on Monday stole most of my points and it’s a catch-up game to make it to the weekend and have some points to play with.

Heading out to the nephrologist later. Just a regular check-up, nothing to worry about, then I’ll stop at the farmer’s market on the way home for cucumbers and celery for my yummy CORE (almost – bacon bits are low points) lunchtime salad. I made chicken soup on Monday so that’ll be dinner and that’s CORE so I think I’m doing okay.

I put a picture of a Cookie Dough Blast as my desktop to remind me what I’m working for. I want to be able to put tickers up on this blog (if I can’t get my new one soon) to let you all know how I’m doing, but the tech geeks in the family can’t find time to help me with it. Maybe tomorrow as it’s a Holy Day and Beloved will be home!