September 2006

18 posts

I’m off again for a few days to Northern PA. My aunt died yesterday and I’m heading up to be with my mom and Aunt Laurita’s family for the viewing and the funeral. Pray for Aunt Laurita’s soul
Last weekend my little guy was very sick. Friday morning he woke up with a fever and it lasted until about Saturday afternoon, off and on. He still didn’t act like himself until sometime Monday afternoon. The weekend before that my daughter was terribly sick, although without the fever and throwing up the boy had …
It takes a lot of courage to show dreams to someone else.” ~ Erma Bombeck Lately, I’ve been thinking about dreams. Not nighttime dreams of cooking pasta for Ray Romano while you’re on a raft in the ocean trying to find your car keys. Dreams that come from your heart and whisper in your ear …
My Tuesday Treasure this week is a sick call kit my sister-in-law gave us. Neither Steve nor I were born and raised Catholic, so neither of us had seen one before, and he thought it was one of a set of Stations of the Cross from an old church. She’d found it in an antique …
Three years ago today, a judge at the Delaware County (PA) Courthouse signed papers and announced that forever more this little boy would be known as Noah Anthony Brandt and would be entitled to all the rights and privileges of being our son just as though he were born to us! Yea, Noah! We love …
I had a great day yesterday at the Plaquemine Library. Although the woman who arranged the talk, Betsy, was disappointed in the turnout, I was very pleased. I sold sixteen copies of Fabric of Faith (10 to one person – a friend) and one copy of Attack of the Queen. Betsy said the library wanted …
Juliette woke up this morning at 4:15 am and came into my room, telling me that her ear hurt so much she couldn’t sleep. After the cold she’s had for the last six days (and felt tons better last night – she was chasing Noah around the kitchen!) I was concerned that she had an …
Well, despite Steven and Juliette being in bed sick (her on the tail end of the bad cold; him at the beginning), things are doing pretty well here. Today we mail off our first collaborative effort at creating something that won’t require diaper changes. Steve and I wrote a book called “The Lady and the …
Gang, checkj out‘s book club this month! Fabric of Faith is the featured selection in fiction this month!
I wrote earlier about feelings of spiritual dryness so I’ve been praying a rosary every day and trying to have some devotional time every morning. In that vein, when I was at Barnes and Noble yesterday (looking for a British cross stitch magazine) I found a Catholic Woman’s Devotional Bible. Since it’s not easy to …