Category : Friday Fragments

3 posts

Another week has gone by and I didn’t blog as extensively as I’d hoped. — I was up at Weight Watchers but down over the last four weeks, so I’m keeping on. I need to track more consistently and I considered how I would help myself. Visualization is one thing I’m working on, plus I …
—Well, Sword & Illusion was supposed to be released yesterday, but we were having some cover issues. Mainly, we didn’t get the cover art form until just last week, and Steve had some problems with the cover they originally sent. I kinda did, too, but I’m not as visual as he is, so I wasn’t …
I am so sorry i haven’t posted anything this this week. Life, and illness, got in my way. — We had a graduation party for my daughter on Saturday. My sister-in-law made this awesome cake for it. — Sunday we just hung out and I got to see a friend at Mass who is soon …