April 2011

4 posts

Today I had to run some errands and since school is out for spring/Easter break, I took Noah with me. One of the things we had to do was go to the Y and sign him up for swimming lessons and summer basketball. From the front desk at the Y, you can see into the …
I make rosaries. My Facebook fan page says “I make wizards” because that’s how my son describes my writing. However, I make rosaries, too. As a convert to Catholicism, there’s something appealing to me about the feel of the beads in my hands as I pray but also the feel as I have to slow …
My husband and I adopted a little boy almost 9 years ago, 12 years after our daughter was born. I was 43, and I understand that’s a little old to have a baby in the house. I have resigned myself to the fact that some of his friends’ mothers will be young enough to be …
I watch a lot of television shows on Hulu and lately I’ve been seeing ads for “The Criterion Collection,” a collection of films that are supposed to be the best from all over the world. I took a film class in college and since then have been interested in seeing films that other members of …