How is everyone doing? Are you all ready for the holiday?

We finally finished the last of our shopping and now I need to wrap gifts.

If you’re a friend on facebook (and if you’re not, why not?) you might remember that I said I was going to get organized again.

Actually, I’m going to try. I used to use the Sidetracked Home Executives system, years ago, and it worked pretty well for me. Flylady, which I love, uses a modification of that system, but I prefer the card box to the Control Journal.

I’m attempting to get “back in the box” but it isn’t working quite as well as I’d hoped.

First, it takes awhile to get the “box” set up and I kinda feel a little guilty taking that time when I could be actually cleaning something. Plus, I set up my weekly schedule and almost immediately it got “sidetracked” by an emergency. In this case, Monday is supposed to be my errand day but my husband arranged for the roofers to come on Monday. Since it’s been pouring here in Baton Rouge for over a week, and we had a leak in our bedroom ceiling, that was pretty much of a necessity. But it did mean that I couldn’t spend the day running errands.

On further reflection, possibly using Monday as Errand Day might not be the best idea. I though since it’s Weight Watchers Weigh-in Day, I’d be out already but I’ve been having a lot of sciatica pain so I’m also at the chiropractor 3 times a week and thus my errands have to fit in between those two things.

Then, the holiday stuff is take priority over other things I want to do. My poor son doesn’t have a Christmas stocking that matches the rest of the family’s so I need to finish that – only got backstitching and some little embellishment-y stitches. Still, though, I have to do that. I’ll chronicle that more in my new blog, Needles and Notes. I’m also getting a renewed interest in knitting socks, but again, that’s a tale for another blog.

So, today, I was all set to do my morning routine and get started again and the dentist office called. I need to have deep scaling cleaning done and that takes two appointments. I had one scheduled for tomorrow and one for next Wednesday, but they had an opening today so that means I wouldn’t have to go next week.

So I got dressed quickly and hurried over there. Now I sit here, with half my face numb, and my work not done. My daughter wants to run to the mall before Weight Watchers so…sigh.

It’s the holiday season so maybe I’m expecting too much of myself to try to be on a normal schedule.

What do you think?