I’ve been WAY busy trying to get this NaNoWriMo book written. Almost finished, and then December will be focused on getting Christmas gifts made/organized! Speaking of Christmas, I saw this today. I wonder how long it will be before going to church will be outlawed because you might offend an atheist as you drive by!!
November 2006
4 posts
I saw this article mentioned on the Drudge Report this morning. It really shouldn’t suprise anyone that a Bishop of the Church of England has made this sweeping, shocking announcement. In 1930, the Church of England decided at the Lambeth Conference of that year that birth control was acceptable in hardship cases. How many people …
If it’s not too early, I’d like to offer this to all my near and dear ones looking for what to get me for Christmas: I borrowed and personalized this list for me from Diana Rowe Martinez. Gift certificate to any of the major bookstores Gift certificate to Office Depot Anything from Levengers catalog for …
Check out my NaNoWriMo progress page. I’ve passed the 10,000 word mark. Not as many as I wish I had written by now. Today was exceptionally busy and here it is 11:30 and I still have about 500 more words before I can go to bed. So why and I updating this thing? Just taking …